6.2 Faculty Ethical Obligations and Standards

6.2.1 Academic Fraud

All faculty members are professionally bound to adhere to the highest ethical standards and to foster ethical behavior in their students.  In particular, academic fraud in its numerous forms, including, but not limited to, plagiarism, fabrication, and/or falsification of research data or results, cannot be tolerated and when suspected must be reported to the Department Head and the Provost. Research misconduct at Mines is governed by the Mines Policy for Research Integrity and Procedures for Addressing Research Misconduct, which has been promulgated by the Board and is set forth in Section 10.3.  A complaint lodged against a faculty member alleging academic fraud of a type not covered by Section 10.3 shall be investigated and handled in the manner outlined in Section 11.1.

6.2.2 Ethical Standards and Obligations

The ethical standards and obligations of an employee embody the spirit of the law, the values of Mines, and the highest levels of professionalism. Specific expectations are defined within this section. A complaint lodged against a faculty member that alleges a violation of an obligation set forth in this section shall be investigated and handled in the manner outlined in Section 11.1.

Resources for reporting law and policy violations, or identifying potential ethical concerns are available to faculty through many avenues, including, but not limited to: Human Resources; Office of Legal Services; Compliance and Policy Office; and the appropriate Vice President’s office.  Additionally, Mines’ Ethics Hotline is available to all Mines employees for anonymous inquiries or reporting. Mines does not tolerate retaliation against an employee for reports of misconduct.

  1. Ethical Standards for Colorado State Government Employees
    Mines adheres to the Code of Ethics for state employees promulgated by the Colorado General Assembly in Article 18 of Title 24 of the Colorado Revised Statutes, and Mines adopts the following specifics standards of ethical behavior for its employees:
    1. Mines employees shall not use Mines employment to bestow any preferential benefit on anyone related to the employee by family, business, or close social relationship.  [The topic of nepotism at Mines is also addressed in paragraph 6.2.3 D. below.]
    2. Mines employees shall not disclose, use, or allow others to use confidential information acquired by virtue of Mines employment for private gain.
    3. Mines employees shall not engage in outside employment unless the outside employment is disclosed to and approved by the employee's immediate supervisor and the outside employment does not interfere with the performance of Mines duties.  [The topic of faculty members engaging in additional professional work is also addressed in Section 6.4 below.]
    4. Mines employees shall not accept any fee, compensation, gift, payment of expenses, or any other thing of monetary value under circumstances in which the acceptance may result in: (a) an undertaking to give preferential treatment to any person;  (b) any loss of complete independence or impartiality; or (c) the making of an official decision outside official channels.
    5. Mines employees shall not use Mines time, property, equipment, or supplies for private gain.
    6. The holding of state employment is a public trust, and Mines employees must carry out their fiduciary duties for the benefit of the people of Colorado. A Mines employee who departs from their fiduciary duty is liable to the people of the state for such breach of the public trust and may be held responsible for repayment of funds. Departure from fiduciary duties may include fraud, mismanagement, embezzlement, and the unauthorized commitment of funds.
  2. Unauthorized Use of Mines’ Name, Logo, Trademarks, or Seal
    The name of Mines may not be used in connection with the private activities of any Mines employee, and no intimation may be given by a Mines employee that Mines has sanctioned any personal undertaking.  Further, Mines letterhead, stationery, and business cards may not be used for personal endeavors, nor may the name of Mines, the Mines logo, Mines trademarks, or the official State of Colorado seal be used on personal stationery.  However, direct dialing office telephone numbers may be shown on personal letterhead or stationery.
  3. Personal Relationships
    The subject of personal relationships between teachers and students and/or between supervisors and subordinates at Mines is governed by the Mines Amorous Relationships Policy, which has been promulgated by the Board of Trustees and is accessible at the online Policy library.
  4. Nepotism
    The subject of nepotism at Mines is governed by the Mines Nepotism Policy, which has been promulgated by the Board of Trustees and is accessible at the online Policy library.

6.2.3 Workplace Standards of Conduct

  1. Mines employees shall comply with all laws, Standards for Colorado State Government Employees and Mines policies and procedures.
    Mines hereby adopts the following standards of workplace behavior for its employees:
    1. Mines employees shall serve students, employees, contractors, volunteers, and visitors with respect, courtesy, and responsiveness.

    2. Mines employees shall demonstrate the highest standards of personal integrity and honesty.

    3. Mines employees shall foster a collegial environment where our students, employees, contractors, volunteers, and visitors are respected.
    4. Mines employees shall expose corruption in State government wherever discovered.

  2. Prohibited Discrimination
    Mines prohibits sexual misconduct, as well as discrimination and harassment on the basis of age, ancestry, creed, marital status, race, color, ethnicity, religion, national origin, sex (including gender-based stalking, intimate partner violence, non-consensual sexual contact, non-consensual penetration, sexual exploitation, and sexual harassment), pregnancy and parenting status, gender, gender identity, gender expression, disability, sexual orientation, genetic information, veteran status, or military service within any of its education programs or activities (including admissions and employment). This prohibition applies to all students, employees, contractors, visitors, and volunteers.  This policy is promulgated by the Board of Trustees and can be found in the Policy Library at https://www.mines.edu/policy-library/policy-prohibiting-sexual-misconduct-discrimination-and-retaliation/. All inquiries about sexual misconduct, discrimination or harassment may be directed to Mines’ Title IX Coordinator:

    Mines Title IX Coordinator
    Office: Office of Institutional Equity, 1706 Illinois Street, Golden, Colorado 80401
    Email: titleix@mines.edu
    Phone: 303.273.3260
    Website: https://www.mines.edu/institutional-equity-title-ix/
  3. Minors on Campus.
    Mines strongly supports the protection of minors on and off campus and has adopted a policy to protect minors on campus. See the Mines Policy on the Protection of Minors which is accessible at the online Policy library.
  4. Workplace Violence
    Mines prohibits workplace violence as defined in the Mines Workplace Violence policy accessible at the online Policy library.