Office of Global Education (OGE)

The Office of Global Education (OGE) fosters and facilitates international linkages, cultural exchange, and the development of international expertise across all sectors of the University.  OGE is responsible for study overseas through exchange and education abroad programs and offers immigration and orientation services for international students and scholars who study and work at Mines. 

OGE is located in the Green Center, Room 219.  For specific information about study abroad and other international programs, contact OGE at 303 273-3210 or visit the OGE web page at

The office works with the departments of the school to:

  1. Promote internationalization of Mines' curricular programs and activities.
  2. Help develop and facilitate study abroad opportunities for Mines students while serving as an informational and advising resource for them.
  3. Assist in attracting new international students to Mines.
  4. Serve as a resource for faculty and scholars of the Mines community, promoting faculty exchanges, faculty-led study abroad, and the pursuit of collaborative and bilateral exchange agreements.
  5. Facilitate arrangements for official international visitors to Mines.