4.4 Minimum Qualifications for Faculty Ranks

4.4.1 Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty Positions

While a doctoral degree is usually required for selection to the professorial ranks at Mines, in exceptional cases as may be determined by the Provost, the needs of Mines may dictate that professional experience and/or accomplishments beyond the attainment of a baccalaureate degree may be substituted as the equivalent of a doctoral degree.

  1. Assistant Professor
    1. Doctoral degree; and
    2. Demonstrated potential for successful teaching, scholarship, and services
  2. Associate Professor
    1. Doctoral degree;
    2. Documented success in teaching, scholarship, and service; and
    3. Potential for national and international professional recognition
  3. Professor
    1. Doctoral degree;
    2. Record of excellence in teaching, scholarship, and service; and
    3. National and international professional recognition

4.4.2 Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Positions

  1. Teaching Faculty
    An individual must possess at least the minimum specified academic degree in order to be considered for any of the instructional faculty positions listed below.  However, upon the recommendation of the Department Head, and with the approval of the Dean, and the Office of the Provost, modifications to the professional experience and/or accomplishments and/or a different academic degree may be approved as substitutions to the minimum academic degree specified for each title.
    1. Teaching Assistant Professor
      1. Either a terminal degree (e.g., a doctoral degree) or a Master’s degree along with professional or academic experience and accomplishments; and​
      2. Demonstrated potential for successful teaching
    2. Teaching Associate Professor
      1. ​Either a terminal degree (e.g., a doctoral degree) or a Master’s degree along with professional or academic experience and accomplishments; and
      2. Documented success in teaching as instructor of record and relevant service.
    3. Teaching Professor
      1. ​Either a terminal degree (e.g., a doctoral degree) or a Master’s degree along with professional or academic experience and accomplishments; and
      2. Record of excellence in teaching; and
      3. Demonstrated excellence in pedagogy, which may be evidenced by course innovation, publications, or success in attracting pedagogical research support
  2. Professor of Practice
    An individual must possess at least the minimum specified academic degree in order to be considered for Professor of Practice.  However, upon the recommendation of the Department Head, and with the approval of the Dean, and the Office of the Provost, modifications to the professional experience and/or accomplishments and/or a different academic degree may be approved as substitutions to the minimum academic degree specified for each title.
    1. Either a terminal degree (e.g., a doctoral degree) or equivalent professional experience; and
    2. Substantial professional experience with a national or international reputation demonstrating achievement as a distinguished practitioner of the discipline.
  3. Library Faculty
    A master’s degree from an American Library Association-accredited program is generally the minimum requirement for selection to a library faculty position.  The University Librarian may waive this requirement if a library faculty position requires an advanced degree in another appropriate field.  Additional qualifications and experience may be required, depending upon the nature of the position.
    1. Assistant Librarian
      Demonstrated potential for achieving success in the performance of professional librarianship, scholarship, and service.
    2. Associate Librarian
      1. ​Evidence of success in the performance of professional librarianship;
      2. Evidence of professional contributions in the areas of research and scholarship which demonstrate an impact on librarianship or other academic disciplines; and
      3. Evidence of significant service within the academic community.
    3. Librarian
      1. Evidence of excellence in the performance of professional librarianship;
      2. Evidence of professional contributions in the areas of research and scholarship which are of significance to librarianship or other academic disciplines and which provides recognition to the individual and the institution; and
      3. Evidence of significant service within the academic community and the library profession.
  4. Research Faculty
    While a doctoral degree is usually required for selection to the research faculty ranks at Mines, in exceptional cases as may be determined by the Provost, the needs of Mines may dictate that professional experience and/or accomplishments beyond the baccalaureate degree may be considered the equivalent of a doctoral degree.
    1. Research Assistant Professor
      1. Doctoral degree; and
      2. Demonstrated potential for success in scholarship.
    2. Research Associate Professor
      1. ​Doctoral degree; and
      2. Documented success in scholarship.
    3. Research Professor
      1. ​Doctoral degree; and
      2. Record of excellence in scholarship.
  5. Other Research Related Titles
    When a doctoral degree is required for selection to the other research related titles at Mines, in exceptional cases as may be determined by the Provost, the needs of Mines may dictate that professional experience and/or accomplishments beyond the baccalaureate degree may be substituted as the equivalent of a doctoral degree.
    1. Visiting Scholar
      Education and experience closely related to the job duties of the position.
    2. Postdoctoral Fellow
      Doctoral degree
    3. Research Associate
      1. Doctoral degree;
      2. Postdoctoral Fellowship or equivalent
    4. Research Support Staff (I-V)
      Education and experience closely related to the job duties of the position.
    5. Research Administrative Professional
      Education and experience closely related to the job duties of the position.
    6. Research Technical Professional
      Education and experience closely related to the job duties of the position.
    7. Affiliate Faculty
  1. Terminal degree;
  2. Record of excellence in scholarship;
  3. National or international professional recognition; and
  4. Strong collaboration with Mines faculty
  1. External Joint Faculty
    1. Doctoral degree;
    2. Record of excellence in scholarship;
    3. National or international professional recognition; and
    4. Strong collaboration with Mines faculty
  2. Adjunct Titles
    Adjunct Faculty must possess the qualifications for the position to which they are selected. If appropriate to the position, preference will be given to advanced degrees and proven teaching ability.
  3. Visiting Titles
    Education and experience closely related to the job duties of the position.

4.4.3 Administrative Faculty Positions

Minimum qualifications for each administrative faculty position shall be determined by the hiring authority for that position after appropriate consultation with the Office of Human Resources. Most administrative faculty positions will require at least a baccalaureate degree plus appropriate experience relevant to the job assignment.