International Student Services

The International Student and Scholar Services Office (ISSS) serves approximately 850 international students and 150 scholars from 80 countries.

The ISSS provides the following services:

  • Provide student orientation for incoming international undergraduate, graduate, and exchange students.
  • Issue initial immigration documents used to attain a U.S. visa for study or scholarly activities. 
  • Advise on immigration regulations by individual appointment and group seminars.
  • Prepare legal documents that allow international students to attain work authorization and gain work experience. 
  • Provide forms required by international students and their dependents to travel outside of the United States.
  • Advise various international student groups, such as the International Student Council and fourteen student associations.
  • Provide key pre-departure and arrival information for incoming students and their dependents.
  • Oversee the international scholarship program.
  • Management of the international scholar program. Provide initial immigration documents and scholar orientation.

The ISSS office also sponsors events and programs to help students adjust to life in the United States and at Mines. International Student and Scholar Services also provides advising related to emergencies and unexpected immigration problems.
If you have questions about international admissions, degree programs, billing, financial aid, or housing, please visit those specific Colorado School of Mines web pages. Please send other questions and comments about international student life at Colorado School of Mines to

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