12.10 Biosafety Committee

12.10.1  Function

The Biosafety Committee shall be responsible for advising the President and the Mines community concerning institutional control of “biohazardous agents” used in teaching and research.  These agents include, but are not limited to: pathogenic organisms, biologically produced toxins, certain genetically engineered organisms, and certain recombinant DNA molecules.  The committee shall regularly review institutional policies within its purview and recommend revisions thereto, as well as the adoption of appropriate new policies.  The committee shall also regularly review existing safeguards utilized with current or proposed research involving biohazardous agents and recommend the implementation of institutional biohazard management procedures that are consistent with applicable governmental rules and guidelines.  In addition, the committee shall advise the President and the Mines community regarding the adequacy of institutional facilities, services, and equipment used to manage biohazardous agents.

12.10.2 Membership

The membership of the Biosafety Committee shall consist of one academic department head and four academic faculty members.  Additionally, the Director of Environmental Health and Safety and the Vice President for Research and Technology Transfer shall serve as voting, ex officio committee members.  The membership of the committee should reflect the full range of microbiologic research activities taking place on the Mines campus, and at least three committee members should be engaged in research activities involving the field of Microbiology.

12.10.3 Method of Operation

The chairperson of the Biosafety Committee shall be the Director of Environmental Health and Safety. The Committee shall meet once during the fall and spring semesters. Four of the members shall  constitute a quorum.  A majority vote of the quorum shall be required for any official action of the committee.  Subject to the above, the meetings shall be conducted according to the latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order.

12.10.4 Method of Appointment

The academic department head committee member shall be nominated by the Provost and appointed by the President, and the academic faculty committee members shall be nominated by the Faculty Senate and appointed by the President.

12.10.5 Terms of Appointment

The academic department head committee member shall serve for a one-year term, and the academic faculty committee members shall serve for staggered two-year terms.  All terms of appointment to this committee shall be calculated on an academic year basis, rather than on a calendar year basis.