12.16 Technology Fee Committee

12.16.1 Function

The Technology Fee Committee shall be responsible for overseeing the allocation and utilization of student Technology Fee revenue. This includes the solicitation and review of proposals requesting technology fee funding, and the subsequent selection of proposals for funding. Responsibilities also include the creation and update of general guidelines regarding the use of technology fee revenue, the process for solicitation of proposals, and the subsequent approval for the use of those funds. The committee shall also recommend, as appropriate, changes in the amount of the fee, subject to institutional guidelines on student fees.

12.16.2 Membership

The appointed membership of the Technology Fee Committee shall consist of:

  1. Three undergraduate students,
  2. Two graduate students,
  3. Four full-time academic faculty members,
  4. One academic Department Head,
  5. Chief Information Officer or their designee (Chair, non-voting), and
  6. Director of Instructional & Learning Technologies / ITS (Co-Chair, non-voting)

12.16.3 Method of Operation

The chairperson of the Technology Fee Committee shall be the Chief Information Officer.  The committee shall meet at least once per semester during the fall and spring semesters to determine the allocation of technology fee funding to specific uses. Additionally, it may meet more often as needed to execute the function of the committee as noted above and to ensure funding allocations are made in a knowledgeable and equitable manner.

At least seven voting members must be present at a meeting to constitute a quorum sufficient to permit the committee to conduct its business. A majority vote of members present at a meeting shall be required for any action taken at the meeting to constitute an official act of the committee. 

12.16.4 Method of Appointment

The academic faculty committee members shall be nominated by the Faculty Senate and appointed by the President. The academic Department Head committee member shall be nominated by the Deans and appointed by the President. The undergraduate student committee members shall be nominated and appointed by the Undergraduate Student Government. The graduate student committee members shall be nominated and appointed by the Graduate Student Government.

12.16.5 Terms of Appointment

All voting committee members shall serve staggered two-year terms. All terms of appointment to this committee shall be calculated on an academic year basis, rather than on a calendar year basis.