3.1 Employment Contract Period and Pay Calculations for Tenure, Tenure-Track, and Teaching Faculty
The contract period for tenured, tenure-track, and teaching faculty runs from the date of the annual Faculty Conference to the date of spring Commencement for each academic year. The duration of this period is 37 weeks, 5 days per week. This period includes paid holiday days and Spring break, but does not include 5 days of Winter Research, which happens during the winter break as indicated on the Academic Affairs calendar.
Academic year salary is generally paid to faculty members in ten equal installments on the last business day of each month from August through May. Faculty starting at the beginning of the Spring semester shall receive five equal installments on the last day of each month from January through May. If the faculty member starts on the day-of-the-month other than the first working day of the month, payment for the first month shall be prorated by the number of working days missed during that month. Faculty may request to receive their academic year salary in twelve equal installments. To do so, a deferred pay agreement must be completed in the Human Resources office prior to the first day of work in the Fall semester and is irrevocable for the academic year to which it applies.
In the event a faculty member retires or resigns prior to the end of the academic year, salary will be earned in proportion to the fraction of the academic year in which services were actually rendered. The salary amount per day is calculated by multiplying the Academic Year Salary amount at 100% effort by 0.00541 and by the number of days between the first day of work and last day of work, including paid holiday days, but not including 5 days of Winter Research if the period worked includes the academic winter break.
For faculty performing research during the Winter Research period or during the Summer, the maximum amount paid per day equals the Academic Year Salary amount at 100% effort multiplied by 0.00541. Total salary is the per day amount multiplied by the days worked.
A summary of pay calculations is provided below:
Academic Year
Maximum 37 weeks = 185 days
Salary at 100% effort / 185 days = 0.00541 of Salary at 100% effort
X_number_of_days * 0.00541* Salary_at_100%_effort = TOTAL_ACADEMIC_YEAR_PAY
Winter Research
Maximum of 1 week = 5 days
Salary_at_100%_effort * 0.00541 *Nnumber_of_days_worked = TOTAL_WINTER_RESEARCH_PAY
Summer Research
Maximum of 14 weeks = 70 days
Salary_at_100%_effort * 0.00541 * Number_of_days_worked = TOTAL_SUMMER_PAY
Includes paid holiday days
Last Revision:
December 17, 2019