8.9 Nominating Faculty for Emeritus Title

Governing Policies

Section 4.1.5, Faculty Handbook – Emeritus Faculty Appointments


Section 4.1.5 of the Faculty Handbook describes emeritus faculty appointments.  In Spring, the Office of Academic Affairs will solicit nominations for emeritus status from Department Heads. Department Heads should work in consultation with their departmental promotion and tenure committee to nominate retired, tenured or teaching faculty members who have served full-time at Mines for 10 years or more. 

Department Heads should submit a formal memorandum of nomination to the Provost.  The memo should include the date of retirement, the requested emeritus title (e.g., Emeritus Associate Professor of Geophysics), and a short, one-paragraph memo that includes, but is not limited to, the following information:

  • Dates of degrees and degree-granting universities
  • Date joined Mines
  • Positions held at Mines and dates of promotion
  • Research interests
  • Notable distinctions

The Provost and President will consider nominations and submit their recommendation regarding the emeritus appointment to the Board of Trustees for a final decision.

Faculty receiving Emeritus titles are recognized during the April Awards Celebration.

Last Revision:

October 23, 2019